Results for 'Andrei V. Prokof'ev'

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  1.  23
    Kant, Deception, the Use of Force.Andrei V. Prokof'ev - 2009 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 48 (3):66-81.
    Drawing from the complete normative resemblance between the questions of moral justification of the use of force and the moral justification of deception, the author finds in Kant's ethics an example of theoretical inconsistency. He shows that Kant's conclusion about the situational moral permissibility of forcible compulsion necessarily entails a decision in favor of the moral permissibility of lying for philanthropic reasons, which Kant denies.
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  2. Vozdavatʹ kazhdomu dolzhnoe...: Vvedenie v teorii︠u︡ spravedlivosti.A. V. Prokofʹev - 2013 - Moskva: Alʹfa-M.
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    Moralʹ individualʹnogo sovershenstvovanii︠a︡ i obshchestvennai︠a︡ moralʹ: issledovanie neodnorodnosti nravstvennykh fenomenov.A. V. Prokofʹev - 2006 - Velikiĭ Novgorod: Novgorodskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  4. Dve morali: moralʹ religioznai︠a︡ i moralʹ kommunisticheskai︠a︡.V. I. Prokofʹev - 1953 - [Moskva]: Molodai︠a︡ gvardii︠a︡.
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  5. Velikie russkie mysliteli v borʹbe protiv idealizma.Vasiliĭ Ivanovich Prokofʹev - 1952
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    Marks utrachennyĭ i Marks obretennyĭ: kniga o filosofii Marksa i o tom, kak i pochemu v Rossii ee poteri︠a︡li i obreli vnovʹ = Marx lost and Marx regained: a book on Marx's philosophy: how and why it was lost and regained in Russia.Andreĭ Kori︠a︡kovt︠s︡ev (ed.) - 2021 - Ekaterinburg: IFiP UrO RAN.
  7. Marksizm i polifonii︠a︡ razumov: drama filosofskikh ideĭ v 18 glavakh s ėpilogom = Marxism and the polyphony of reason: philosophical drama in 18 chapters with an epilogue.Andreĭ Kori︠a︡kovt︠s︡ev - 2016 - Moskva, Ekaterinburg: Kabinetnyĭ uchenyĭ.
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  8. Moralʹ i religii︠a︡.Vasiliĭ Ivanovich Prokofʹev - 1952
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  9. Kodeks kommunisticheskoĭ morali.Vasiliĭ Ivanovich Prokofʹev - 1964
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  10. O sovesti.Vasiliĭ Ivanovich Prokofʹev - 1968
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    The Phenomenon of Freedom in Contemporary Russia.Andrei V. Yurevich - 2013 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 51 (4):7-25.
    The author attributes the social evils of present-day Russia to a distorted "pseudoliberal" understanding of freedom as a condition unlimited by internal or external constraints.
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  12. Uppermost Pleistocene transgressive coralgal reefs on the edge of the south Texas Shelf: Analogs for reefal reservoirs buried in siliciclastic shelves.Andrei V. Belopolsky & André W. Droxler - 1999 - Laguna 60:25.
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  13.  22
    Single-site mean-field approach to thermal defects in binary ordered alloys.Andrei V. Ruban - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (11):1192-1201.
  14.  72
    From Gold To Money.Andrei V. Anikin & Nicolas Slater - 1978 - Diogenes 26 (101-102):1-25.
    J. К. Galbraith begins his book on the history and current problems of money with the following statement: “There is much that is diverting in the history of money, but even more that provides a rich reflection of human behavior and human folly.”.
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    The Contribution of Pushkin To the History of Economic Thought.Andrei V. Anikin & Jeanne Ferguson - 1979 - Diogenes 27 (107):65-85.
    Aleksandr Pushkin (1799-1837) occupies a special place in the development of Russian culture. He was at the same time a great poet, the reformer of Russian literary language, a historian and a political thinker. In the enormous mass of work devoted to Pushkin, a certain number of articles are concerned with his ideas on economics and the reflection of socio-economic problems in his writing. Until now, however, this theme has been studied in only a fragmentary way and less from the (...)
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  16.  19
    First-principles study of point defects in Ni3Al.Andrei V. Ruban, V. A. Popov, V. K. Portnoi & V. I. Bogdanov - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (1):20-34.
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    Money and the Russian Classics.Andrei V. Anikin - 1993 - Diogenes 41 (162):99-109.
    There are various ways to describe the type of society that developed, at least in America and Europe, over the last two centuries. One of the better known ones is the civilization of money. Different people, depending on their world view, can judge this fact differently: to deny it, however, is impossible. This is especially obvious now, when the most grandiose and stubborn attempt at liberating society from the power of money – allegedly in order to subordinate money to higher (...)
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  18.  12
    The Metaphor of liber naturae and the Alphabet Analogy in Heraclitus′ logos- Fragments.Andrei V. Lebedev - 2017 - In Enrica Fantino, Ulrike Muss, Charlotte Schubert & Kurt Sier, Heraklit Im Kontext. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 231-268.
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    Orpheus, parmenides or empedocles? The Aphrodite verses in the naassene treatise of hippolytus' elenchos.Andrei V. Lebedev - 1994 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 138 (1):24-31.
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    Kripke’s Evil Demon, Cartesian Semantics and Epistemic Supervenience.Andrei V. Nekhaev - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (2):60-70.
    In his article Evgeny Borisov offers an original solution to Kripke’s sceptical problem of meaning. Its conceptual core is the point of view of the participant of speech acts. He believes that first-person statements of speech act participants like “I know for certain that the expression ‘e’ is used by me in the meaning of m” cannot carry any epistemic fallacies. As a criticism, I propose to point out that non-factual Cartesian semantics have serious epistemic flaws that make it vulnerable (...)
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  21.  26
    Yablo’s Paradox: Is the Infinite Liar Lying to Us?Andrei V. Nekhaev - 2019 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 56 (3):88-102.
    In 1993, the American logic S. Yablo was proposed an original infinitive formulation of the classical ≪Liar≫ paradox. It questioned the traditional notion of self-reference as the basic structure for semantic paradoxes. The article considers the arguments underlying two different approaches to analysis of proposals of the ≪Infinite Liar≫ and understanding of the genuine sources for semantic paradoxes. The first approach (V. Valpola, G.-H. von Wright, T. Bolander, etc.) imposes responsibility for the emergence of semantic paradoxes on the negation of (...)
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  22.  9
    On the Role of Scientific Evidence in Normative Ethics (the Case of the Debunking of Deontological Principles).Andrei V. Prokofiev - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (2):157-174.
    The paper deals with the questions of whether naturalization of ethical theory is possible and how radical it should be. The answer to these questions depends largely on the scientific explanations of the process of moral evaluation. The author concentrates on a moderate version of naturalization, which involves merely correcting the conclusions of normative ethics by appealing to scientific evidence. A good example of moderate naturalization is the project of debunking deontological moral principles of J. Green. From J. Green’s point (...)
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  23.  76
    Aristarchus of Samos on Thales' Theory of Eclipses.Andrei V. Lebedev - 1990 - Apeiron 23 (2):77 - 85.
  24. Metodologicheskie seminary: predposylki, faktory i ėtapy razvitii︠a︡.V. N. Boriaz & M. N. Perfil ev - 1978 - Leningrad: "Nauka," Leningradskoe otd-nie. Edited by M. N. Perfilʹev.
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  25.  9
    Ideologicheskie alʹternativy: filosofsko-sot︠s︡iologicheskiĭ analiz.I. V. Bychko & V. I. Grigorʹev (eds.) - 1989 - Kiev: Izd-vo pri Kievskom gos. universitete.
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    Filosofsko-psikhologicheskie problemy razvitii︠a︡ obrazovanii︠a︡.V. V. Davydov & A. S. Arsenʹev (eds.) - 1981 - Moskva: "INTOR".
  27.  52
    Sensitivity of fNIRS to cognitive state and load.Frank A. Fishburn, Megan E. Norr, Andrei V. Medvedev & Chandan J. Vaidya - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Classical Paradigm in Physics on the Cusp of the 19th and 20th Centuries.Oleg E. Baksansky & Andrei V. Korzhuev - 2015 - European Journal of Philosophical Research 3 (1):4-14.
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  29.  18
    Ruben Apressyan’s Moral Philosophy.Olga V. Artemyeva & Andrei V. Prokofiev - 2020 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 58 (2):75-92.
    This article discusses the theoretical core and evolution of Ruben Apressyan’s moral philosophy. The starting point in the development of his views was his clarification of the “idea of morality,”...
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  30. The Dawn of Economic Thought in the West and in Russia.R. Scott Walker & Andrei V. Anikin - 1986 - Diogenes 34 (135):105-130.
    The development of the science of economics is closely linked to the structure of capitalism. Even though ancient and medieval thinkers had already stated a certain number of ideas in this domain, the science of economics, in the modern sense of the word, did not truly begin until the 17th Century and the early 18th Century. At that time the methodology for research in the natural sciences was developed, and the first scientific academies and societies were founded (England, France, Prussia, (...)
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  31. Filosofii︠a︡ ėpokhi rannikh burzhuaznykh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iĭ.T. I. Oĭzerman, N. V. Motroshilova & Ėrikh Solovʹev (eds.) - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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  32.  4
    Zavet "temnykh vekov": terminy i kont︠s︡epty Osvalʹda Shpenglera.Andreĭ Nikolaevich Savelʹev - 2021 - Moskva: Knizhnyĭ mir.
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    Nauka i tekhnika v kontekste kulʹtury.V. I. Grigorʹev - 1989 - Moskva: Izd-vo Universiteta druzhby narodov.
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    V. Solov'ev and L. Shestov: Unity in Tragedy.V. N. Porus - 2006 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 44 (4):59-74.
  35. Sefer Otsar ha-maʼamarim: śiḥot musar ṿa-Ḥasidut.Asher Zeʼev Ṿais - 2003 - Ashdod: Mekhon "Torah or". Edited by Yehudah Ary Yaʻaḳovovits & Yitsḥaḳ Ṭroibe.
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  36. Pam'i︠a︡tky bratsʹkykh shkil na Ukraïni, kinet︠s︡ʹ XVI-pochatok XVII st.: teksty i doslidz︠h︡enni︠a︡.V. M. Nichyk, V. I. Shynkaruk & Andrei Dmitrievich Sukhov (eds.) - 1988 - Kyïv: Nauk. dumka.
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    Problema rat︠s︡ionalʹnosti.V. F. Vasilʹev - 2006 - I︠a︡roslavlʹ: I︠A︡roslavskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  38. Sefer Zikhron Yitsḥaḳ: śiḥot be-ʻinyene hashḳafah u-maḥshavah.Yitsḥaḳ ben Binyamin Zeʼev Ṿais - 1989 - Yerushalayim: Y. ben B.Z. Ṿais.
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  39. G.V. Florovskiĭ kak filosof i istorik russkoĭ mysli.A. V. Cherni︠a︡ev - 2010 - Moskva: If Ran.
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  40. Ziḳe or: śiḥot hashḳafah u-musar.Yitsḥaḳ ben Binyamin Zeʼev Ṿais - 1993 - Yerushalayim: Y. ben B.Z. Ṿais.
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  41. "Po lit︠s︡u bezdny": ocherk naturfilosofii kulʹta.Andreĭ Polozhent︠s︡ev - 2007 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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  42. Istoricheskiĭ materializm i sot︠s︡iologicheskie kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii nachala XX veka.V. A. Malinin & Andrei Dmitrievich Sukhov - 1986 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by Andreĭ Dmitrievich Sukhov.
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  43.  63
    An Attempt at a Philosophical Biography.V. S. Asmus & V. S. Solov'ev - 1989 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 28 (2):66-95.
    Vladimir Sergeevich Solov'ev was born on January 16, 1853, into the highly educated family of the outstanding Russian historian Sergei Mikhailovich Solov'ev. Solov'ev received his secondary education in the Fifth Moscow Gymnasium, and his higher education at Moscow University. At first Solov'ev studied in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. After three years and eight months there he left the university, but a few months later he stood his candidate's examination for the full university course in the Faculty of History (...)
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  44. Ḳunṭres Bi-Netivot ha-ḥayim: eytses̀ un hadrokhes̀ ʻa. p. daʻat To. ha-ḳ.Yanḳev Yoysef Ṿays - 2010 - Spring Valley, NY: Mekhon 'Netivot ha-ḥayim'. Edited by Yanḳev Yoysef Ṿays.
    Maʼamar "Hatsileni mi-pezur ha-nefesh": a praḳṭishe hilf far meḥankhim, elṭern, mener un froyen ... -- Derashat hitḥazḳut be-ʻinyan "ahavat ḥaverim" -- Yalḳuṭ igrot u-mikhtavim : liḳuṭ amarim u-khetavim, ratsuf be-tokham niṭfe ḥizuḳ ... .
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  45.  30
    The Historical Tasks of Philosophy.V. S. Solov'ev - 1989 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 28 (3):17-30.
    Gentlemen! In inviting you to the free pursuit of philosophy, I should like first of all to reply to one question that may arise on this account. This question would be easy to dismiss as excessively naive, one that could only come from someone totally unfamiliar with philosophy. But since I have in mind mainly people who are as yet unfamiliar with philosophy, who have only just come to it, I cannot be so dismissive of this naive question, but rather (...)
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  46. Sovremennai︠a︡ zapadnai︠a︡ sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡ nauki: kriticheskiĭ analiz.V. Zh Kelle, E. Z. Mirskai︠a︡ & A. A. Ignatʹev (eds.) - 1988 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Kant, Hume, and Problems of the Deduction of the Categories.V. V. Vasil'ev - 1996 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 34 (4):51-65.
    In this article some problems associated with Kant's transcendental deduction of the categories will be examined. Kant wrote that the deduction was one of the most difficult and arduous investigations ever undertaken in metaphysics. It is the deduction that must establish the lawfulness of claims to knowledge on the part of pure reason and determine the very possibility of metaphysics.
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    Lenin on Peaceful and Nonpeaceful Paths of the Socialist Revolution.V. G. Afanas'ev - 1979 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 17 (4):21-43.
    The question of peaceful and nonpeaceful paths of the socialist revolution and the building of socialism is now the subject of the lively discussion in the international Communist and workers' movement. It is sometimes asserted that V. I. Lenin raised violence to an absolute, that he saw armed insurrection and civil war as virtually the only means of carrying out the socialist revolution. Inasmuch as under today's conditions, particularly in developed capitalist countries, seizure of power by the working class and (...)
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  49. Viktor Grigorʹevich Afanasʹsev: 1922-1994.A. V. Afanasʹev - 2013 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  50. Liberalʹnoe i konservativnoe.V. V. Afanasʹev - 2006 - Moskva: MGPU.
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